Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Richland Mall

A few days ago Mia found out from a catalog we received in the mail that Build-A-Bear now carries both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony (which happens to be her absolute favorite cartoon).  As soon as she saw this she knew exactly where her money was going.  After counting her coins and being told that yes, she had enough for the doll but not for all of the accessories shown in the pictures she decided that she did indeed have to have her very own.  So off we went to Richland Mall today to get a Rainbow Dash.  After building said pony (who was named "Lily Rainbow Dash Dyer") we walked around for a bit and then she played in the play area and by play I mostly mean she chased a little boy around while growling at him.  Yes - growling - she was the monster and he was the scared little boy.  LOL

Obviously we didn't get to go to Dallas after all.  The weather didn't end up being bad but I'm a scaredy cat when it comes to possible storms - especially with a 2 hour drive.  Hopefully the forecast will settle down and we'll make it up there soon.

T-Ball starts Tuesday and swimming the week after.  We are getting really excited about that!  Not only will Mia be around other kids and Ben and I around other adults but it will also be great to get back into a weekly routine!  Yippee!

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