Monday, September 30, 2013

Show and Tell, Western Day and a Visit From Ha-Ha

September 26, 2013

Western Day and Green Show and Tell
September 27, 2003

HG and Blake came for the weekend!!!!

 September 30, 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Mia's homework assignment this week is to draw a list of things from her home that are examples of technology. Tonight she decided to add the television to the list ... so she drew the television along with a detailed drawing of the entertainment center.  I can't wait to see what she adds tomorrow! :D

Monday, September 23, 2013

Inappropriate Noises...

This little goof came home with a yellow warning #7 today ... aka she got in trouble for making inappropriate noises.  I'm not going to lie - it was all I could do not to laugh when we were discussing it.  

Friday, September 20, 2013

Show and Tell - Blue!

Today was Show and Tell for Blue week. Mia took her blue rock egg that she got during one of our mini exploration trips between here and Austin.  :)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tears, Super Kid and 4 Green Stars in a row!

The streak continues!  Plus Mia got named Super Kid today!  As unhappy as she was about going to school this morning she had cheered up by the time she arrived and was excited to get to walk in with a friend.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Green Stars 3 days in a row!!!!!

Mia has earned a green star every day this week!!!!! We could not be more proud of her!

Today was school picture day and I absolutely cannot wait to see the pictures!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Crazy Hair Day!

I just realized I didn't post about Crazy Hair Day (Friday, September 13th).  I was super excited about it... had a couple of ideas and of course went on pinterest to look around.  While on there I saw someone had done a birds nest and it looked pretty cool.  That got me to thinking - Mia LOVES her rubber ducks... which led to - how about a duck pond?!  It would be crazy and something she loves! How perfect would that be?!? So that's exactly what I did.  I glued some of her rubber ducks to hair clips (learned that plastic and hot glue don't work - who knew?), curled and pinned her hair to look like water and sprayed it blue and green.

Turns out she thought it was a horrible idea and was not the least bit happy with me...

*no ducks were harmed during this endeavor*
**Obviously if you didn't think I was crazy before - you definitely know that I am now**
***I made it up to her by taking her for yogurt after school***

Note: This was also Red Show and Tell day but I completely neglected to take a pic of her with the item she chose.  She took her red dancing robot that Ben gave her for valentines day one year.

Blue Day!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Dallas, Football and a Green Star

Friday we went up to Dallas to see Ben's cousin play football and to see his grandparents who were in town for the weekend.  It was a lovely visit.  I thoroughly enjoyed getting to watch a high school football game.  Oh and watching the Bama / Texas A&M game with a room full of Texans was fun too - nerve wracking but fun!

Mia is off to fantastic start to her week having brought home another green star!  We are sooo super proud of her!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

There was a farmer who had some vowels...

.. and long vowels were their name Oh.  A, E, I, O, U / A, E, I, O, U / A, E, I, O, U and long vowels were their name Oh!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

First Homework Assignment!

Color of the week is - RED!  (skirt and bow made by me)

First homework assignment!

Monday, September 9, 2013

"A verb is an action word!"

(dress and headband made by me)

I absolutely love having Mia come home super excited about what she learned that day.  Today's excitement was about "A verb is an action word!", a lesson about the sense of touch and how to spell the color "red" - not to mention that they painted in art class.  

In other news - it actually rained (instead of going around us like it usually does) for a full 3.5 minutes...  LOL

Friday, September 6, 2013

Show and Tell - Yellow

Week two of school is complete, but next week will actually be the first full week of school what with starting on a Tuesday and then the Labor Day holiday.  Mia did great this week and definitely enjoyed her first show and tell.  They were supposed to take something yellow so she chose one of her favorite Dr. Seuss books which just so happened to have a yellow cover.  

PTA and Room Parent is definitely picking up for me and I'm loving it.  I hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew.  I've already met some fun people and of course love all the emailing, planning and organizing involved.

Happy Weekend!!!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Kindergarten Days 6 and 7

 (skirt and hairbows made by me)

(applique, pants and hairbow made by me)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A green star on yellow day...

Each Tuesday the Kindergartners are encouraged to wear a specific color (i.e. the color of the week) and this week it was yellow.  Just so happened that one of the pairs of pants I made over the summer incorporated a lot of yellow and I had found an adorable yellow shirt to match (that in and of itself was quite a find as I have trouble finding feminine shirts that are primary colors unless they have a character of some sort on them - but that's a soap box for another time).

When Mia got in the car this afternoon she said "Momma! I worked really hard today and I didn't get in trouble one TIME!" I congratulated her and we talked more about her day as we headed off to run errands.  When we got to our first stop she insisted that I look in her folder before we went in.  I opened it and SHE HAD A GREEN STAR!!! That is the highest mark a child can get for a day and stands for exemplary behavior.  We, of course, had to go to our favorite frozen yogurt place (they carry a dairy free option) and celebrate.

This week also starts show and tell.  Whatever you bring for show and tell is supposed to be the color of the week.  I can't wait to see what Mia picks each week.

Fundraising has started as has parent brought snacks and monthly PTA meetings.   It is all a big adjustment but over all I think she is handling it really well.  She is so excited about school and has even started waking up on her own at the right time already (we'll see if that lasts tho).  :D

I've been sewing up a storm for my shop which is going to be featured on a pretty well known blog this month so I'm hoping to get a good amount of new stuff listed before then.

Life is good.