Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sewing Frenzy

Our first 4th of July in Texas was pretty low key.  We decided against attending the fireworks show because it wasn't supposed to start until 10 pm so we played at a splash pad and just chilled.  I have to admit I *loved* that no one shot off fireworks around us.  This is the first year since Mia was born that we haven't had to deal with obnoxious "shows" all night long which led to an extremely grumpy baby and parents.

We definitely made the most of Ben being off for 4 days in a row over the holiday.  That Friday we went and got our cars inspected, registered, licensed and our Texas driver's licenses.  It was pretty much an all day affair because there are so many steps and none of them are in the same department.  We were pleasantly surprised at how efficient each office was run ... and the employees were super friendly and helpful.

We also visited Austin and went to the Austin Zoo.  It's a small zoo but has lots of interesting animals - all of which were rescue animals.  It reminded me a lot of the Chattanooga Zoo.  Definitely worth the drive and going again.

We've had another play date with some of the tball friends and are planning another one for next week.  We also had dinner with a friend of a friend that was super fun! I'm excited to get to know E more.  We ate at the local cajun restaurant and it was delicious and right on the river.

Mia starts school next month so I've been sewing a ton.  So far I've made her 3 pairs of ruffle pants, 3 dresses and 1 skirt (plus I have material for 2 more skirts and have 1 more pair of pants cut just waiting to be sewn).  It has been so much fun.

We head to Alabama for a visit on Thursday and are all super excited!  It will be so nice to see family and catch up with friends.  

Thursday, July 4, 2013

First Play date

At the t-ball game on Monday I worked up the nerve and invited a couple of the moms over for a swim play date Wednesday.  Of course an hour or so later when I got back to the apartment I was like "what in the world was I thinking"?!  Tuesday I made my list, figured out a menu and dusted every inch of the apartment - twice.  I ran to H.E.B. and got some of their yummy croissants, made the buffalo chicken salad (because it tastes better if it's sat in the fridge over night), put together pool friendly containers of pineapple, apples, mandarin oranges and grapes and packed 3 bags full of stuff we *might* need.  Wednesday morning I got up - dusted and vacuumed again (just in case) - the whole time this article was going thru my head:
It's a fabulous, light hearted but informative article about "dating for moms" aka making mom friends.   I had a couple friends in Huntsville that always threw super fun and relaxing play dates so I was also thinking "What Would H or C Do"?

Time came - moms arrived and it just happened.  It wasn't stressful or awkward (much) - the kids played together fantastically.  One hiccup was that the little kid pool was closed but we regrouped pulled out as many floaties as we had (I was prepared!) and let the kiddos play on the steps of the main pool.  Then we came back to the apartment for lunch (both mom's wanted my recipe *squee* - never doubt the awesome powers of good chicken salad served on croissants, oh and peanut butter and honey) and the kids played for a little longer in Mia's room.

I never imagined it would be so easy - now I can't wait to do it again.

First T-ball game

I'm pretty sure it should just be called "death by cuteness".  There have been two tball games so far and oh my goodness they were beyond adorable.  Between our kiddos being turned into little bobble heads because of the huge helmets to half the team running after the ball when it was there turn on the field we were in stitches the entire time.