Friday, May 17, 2013

Organized sports! First up T-Ball.

Tiny nikes, tiny bat, tiny glove and tiny helmet - meet Mia the ferocious t-ball player.  Okay - ferocious doesn't fit anywhere in that sentence... because let's face it - she's just way too adorable looking.

Last night we went to get her a glove and ended up with - well - everything she could possibly need ... bat, balls, glove, shoes, helmet, bag and a tee.  She and I took all her equipment out to the basketball court here in the complex and practiced this morning.  It was a lot of fun.  Unlike my little brother she didn't complain about her hand having a headache.  ;)

When we were going thru everything at home before moving I found my t-ball medal from playing in Northeast Texas when I was Mia's age so I'm super excited about her playing.  Plus it will give us the opportunity to meet people with kids Mia's age.  Here's hoping she is placed on a laid back team and there aren't your cliche crazy parents involved.  :)

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