Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Mia's first t-ball practice was tonight!  Yipee!!! She did awesome!  So far her coach seems pretty fantastic and very laid back.  The league is just for fun so there won't be any score keeping or even winning/losing for each game.  Mia is one of two girls in the midst of about 12 boys (give or take a few - it was hard to get a good count).  The coach is all about parental involvement and so long as it's a practice the parents handling their own children with his guidance.  Thursday I will not be dressing cute nor will I be wearing cowboy boots - I'm thinking athletic shorts and tennis shoes so I can help out too!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no for being overdressed! I bet you were tré cute!

    Yay for parental involvement and a cool coach.
