Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Crazy Hair Day!

I just realized I didn't post about Crazy Hair Day (Friday, September 13th).  I was super excited about it... had a couple of ideas and of course went on pinterest to look around.  While on there I saw someone had done a birds nest and it looked pretty cool.  That got me to thinking - Mia LOVES her rubber ducks... which led to - how about a duck pond?!  It would be crazy and something she loves! How perfect would that be?!? So that's exactly what I did.  I glued some of her rubber ducks to hair clips (learned that plastic and hot glue don't work - who knew?), curled and pinned her hair to look like water and sprayed it blue and green.

Turns out she thought it was a horrible idea and was not the least bit happy with me...

*no ducks were harmed during this endeavor*
**Obviously if you didn't think I was crazy before - you definitely know that I am now**
***I made it up to her by taking her for yogurt after school***

Note: This was also Red Show and Tell day but I completely neglected to take a pic of her with the item she chose.  She took her red dancing robot that Ben gave her for valentines day one year.

1 comment:

  1. That picture of her and her angry face makes me laugh every time.
